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Dr Dan Sherstad - Pastor - 414-405-3551 -

I have known him since 2009 from occasionally serving at prophetic worship nights he hosted, and have served with him regularly since Spring of 2016. 


Karen Covell - Founding Director of the Hollywood Prayer Network - 818-640-6385 -

My wife works as the programs director. I have been volunteering with HPN in various ways, including: music and worship related events, occasional teaching, and with their global prayer chapters. 


Myesha Reynolds - 626-739-8940 - 

Myesha is my wife's best friend, and as a sister. Professionally, she works as a teaching coach and equity consultant (Biblical, not political). Since 2014, she has been a great help in various ministry outlets that I have led, including a young adult's ministry, worship, and with DSM Hollywood. 



Worship Leader Anchor
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