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What About God's Love?

The first vocal songs I released point to the topic of LOVE. 

God is LOVE, and God made the way for us to know Him! You exist because He wanted you to exist. You are unique and dearly loved by Him. The Bible is clear that all of humanity is the offspring of God, that we are known by Him before we are even in the womb, and that He gives us our eternal being. You were made to know God's love!

Please allow me a moment to share about Jesus (Yeshua) with you. He is the Word from the beginning, the image of God that became flesh. He is LOVE revealed. All that God does is perfect love. Jesus made the way to bring us back to God and to know Him closely as Father. 

We could never earn LOVE. True LOVE gives of self. To experience a loving relationship, we must have a free will. What sort of love would love be if it had to be earned or if there were no choice? God made us to know Him as His own special children for eternity, but we have the choice whether to love this true light, or to cling to darkness. 

The true light became flesh when a chosen girl said "yes" to the Spirit of God's will for this Savior to be placed in her womb. He lived a sinless life, perfectly revealing the Father to humanity in love and in power, speaking truth, full of grace and mercy, healing all who came to Him for Who He Is, and even raising the dead. He had the blood of a fallen humanity in need of redemption, and the blood of God in His veins. In the Old Testament (Isaiah 53), God taught that a savior would need to be the sacrifice for our wrong doings so that we could be made righteous, and restored to the Father. LOVE willingly gave His only Son. The image of God was willingly beat, whipped, tore up, and crucified so that we could know Love. Not to just go to Heaven later, but to truly live now, and live in fellowship with God's Spirit. After 3 days, He came back to life and told them to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit. After 40 days He ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return when all who will come to Him, come to Him.

When we believe this truth about Jesus, and turn to follow Him as our Lord, the Bible says that we receive God's forgiveness and are made a new creation where the love of God is now in our hearts. This faith is what God counts as righteousness. God does good work through us, but good works can't get us into Heaven because we have all sinned. Jesus said people will be known to be His disciples by the love they have. We can truly love because God first loved us.

If you have never given your life to the real Jesus and believe what you have read, I encourage you to take a special moment now to confess this belief in front of God, who is right here full of love for you and very aware of this moment. Please take a moment to read Romans 10:9-10 by clicking here. This kind of belief from the heart being referenced at Romans 10:9-10 points to such a conviction that "Jesus is Lord" that you are giving Him your life. The Bible says He will not cast away anyone who comes to stay with Him (ref: John 6:37). If this is in your heart to come to Jesus, where you will be forgiven, made new, and with Him forever, I encourage you to take your time and pray something such as the following from the heart, knowing that God hears you and that everything changes after this moment: 
Dear God, I believe that Jesus is the only Savior. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who died for my sins and rose again back to life, who is now seated in authority in Heaven. I'm sorry for the wrong things I've done, and I thank You for forgiving me. Thank You that You are coming into my heart and making me new. I choose at this moment to turn my life completely to You, and to grow in what it means to follow You as my Lord. I pray that you lead me to a church that teaches the truth of the Bible and loves well. I pray that You show me more and more how much You love me. In Jesus's name. Amen.

Please send the Tim Kirsch team a message letting us know if you just prayed this prayer!

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