Directly Related to Ministry:
Service of Song
Already Started: www.serviceofsong.com
My public platform for worship ministry
Glory House Media: Multifaceted, Media-Related
Already Started: www.gloryhousemedia.com
Using media to spread truth
Intentionally reaching all people
Messages at high doctrinal standard
Helps body of Christ connect. Starting by using social media for regional hubs. Ex: Posting testimonies, things to unite in faith in, teachings, questions for response (such as prayer requests). Become trustworthy by local ministry leaders. Become media hubs that people want to advertise on, but we keep high standard.
Website as resource for teachings and contacts
Potentially as talent agency, but starting as marketing platform for talent related to media that meets agreed upon standard that Christian-based agencies will appreciate as exemplifying them
Music Group called “Glory House”, can also be a conglomerate of worshipers who lead their own albums/groups.
Bible studies for those who want to use media for good
Supports media that promotes upright causes
Like the idea of regional media hubs (not just online, but also production teams working with local talent to reach local society)
"Hollywood" Ministry
Has Already Begun through stewardship of Dan Sherstad Ministries
Began with intercession events
Announcing Bible Studies at event in April 2020, knowing it will also be a more regular reach
Not just public ministry events but also private studies for those who will be safer to be discipled in private
Talent Agency: Bread Winner
Find unique talent
They submit info. Our investment is building a more excellent profile than most agencies for free.
Niche to talent: (1) Standard of what we connect to (2) Free start (3) Don’t require only work with us (4) Agencies who find our talent agree to only use us for them since we provided them the convincing information and photos
Church Ideas:
Public Prayer/Coffee meeting place such as at a mall (details here)
Large Multi-faceted center, evangelistic and holy (details here)
Smaller idea is coffee place on bottom, ministry center upstairs
Had a dream (but not clear whether in my stewardship) of a community building open 24/7 for people to hang out, and for prayer. I believe it was north of Chicago in the dream.
Glory Houses (high priority on home gatherings). With a heart to better facilitate pastoral care such as neighborhood pastors, and facilitating community unto breaking bread together regularly and caring for one another, seeing in truth that they and their stuff belongs to each other. Also would better facilitate interpersonal discipleship. An idea is to still have community buildings (such as for larger gatherings to unite in vision, as well as gatherings for the pastors to get built up and unite).
***Plant Churches With Gardens (was told to do this), making sense for being a blessing in the community to each other especially towards “the day approaching”. This could relate to the Glory Houses, or at least the concept.
Prophetic Ministry Team
Direct connections. Proven accuracy and character. Ready to minister in prayer at special events.
Spiritual Chaplains/Coaches and/or Civility Chaplains
Available for direct Christian ministry
Otherwise will still use Biblical principles to help people as far as they are willing to go
Dr Dan Sherstad is appointed with iChange Nations as a world civility ambassador by World Peace Ambassador Dr Clyde Rivers, founder of iChange Nations, with the premise to promote the golden rule dialogue, to “treat others the way you want to be treated”.
Just Love Foundation
Multifaceted, directing funds to righteous causes with high accountability
Reaching orphans and children in families who don’t yet have great financial privileges
Fighting trafficking
Directly involved with people taking care of children and orphans
Centers for training such as: Biblical studies and the Arts, having churches and individuals volunteering in leading classes (whether short term or long term)
App Ideas:
Pay through an App that yields feeding children
One idea is to round up, and that extra amount is donated
Another idea is have business unite with it (incentive being that people will want to use their business more) and after such and such amount spent equals a free meal to children.
Keep use of money public to show how used, and require high standard
Blue tooth lights, Holograms
Operated via app
New holograms and light shows can be updated via app
Curriculum: Christian and regular
Networking: Sports, Activities, Teachings
Reason to visit daily: Teaching Suggestions, Videos, Encouragement of the day, etc
Christian Teachings would help families be renewed in truth (included well rooted for evangelism to lead people to truth and not just religion)
Christians would be drawn which would cause evangelism
Audio Recordings:
Idea to start until get more equipment - Instrumental
More acoustic style, simple (as if simple and live), especially worshipful
Public Domain
Use as resource for money and permissions for non-public domain
Original Christian Vocal Songs
Instrumental R&B/Pop Christian Album
Gypsy Instrumental Worship Music
Step one may simply be a purely music album to build rapport with larger reach of community
Albums released having reps from different world region
They sing in their languages
True heart for worshiping God
USB Drive of Teachings
Teaching worship
Topical Teaching Series
Pastor Dan’s teachings
Good for equipping others and for bringing overseas (vs CDs), and can include PDF files
Quality Art made from Stones/Shells of the Region
Keeps special significance through time
Would probably start a new small industry if marketed well
Hand-Made Scripture Art
Ramen Place - play on words with Deuteronomy
Music Training Program
Uses document with links to videos
Especially to help people around the world get started in worship ministry
Children’s Christian Based Play and Music
Have a program briefly started
Clothing Company: Edify
All Words and Images on the Clothes edify
Christian Antique/Thrift
Churches oversee booths, agreeing to help facilitate high standards of what is not sold.
Had a dream that I responded to with this idea
World Peace Ambassadors Program reaching children
Teaches civility not compromise
New Era of Shopping Arena
Had a dream of the future. At the end, I was on my knees weeping in gratitude. I knew I was dreaming of the future and intentionally wanted to see some writing to remember as I awoke. Humorously, things moved in the dream to block me from fully viewing, except eventually I saw “WLT”. (This could relate to something to invest in). It also seemed like the writings were mostly English, but the lettering reminded me of Greek in that a few letters were not as usually would be used. A sign seemed to hang without support, perhaps a hologram? Could be seen from the outside. Had entertainment (like rides or such). Was clear that it was overseen by one company, but had independent companies within.
As agendas try to separate us, and online shopping increases in competitiveness. Malls used to have the edge of being a one stop place.
Malls remain appealing because of the social aspect. Being around people and going with people as something special to do. For example, why does a family on a budget that cooks very well still go out to eat? Public agencies also provide avenue of nostalgia and memories.
Not only step up in excellence that makes it a premiere public place to hang out
Include Entertainment
“Little Africa”
Had a dream that I responded to with this idea
Mall premises, like a market from Africa
Like malls have varying levels of prices
Must meet high standard of just wages for their vendors
Must meet standard of not selling spiritually corrupt items
Buying properties and land in areas that will be of high value in future
Also helps with influence
Can have ministers/churches rent
Have extra room available for friends/ministers/family when in that area
End Times Cookbook
Basic ingredients, making dishes from scratch
Investing in essential businesses that can self-sustain locally
Perhaps building market-type premises for when world-wide market may be hindered
Even aside from if needed in times of disaster
It is environmentally friendly to sell items and necessities that use containment that is immediately thrown in the garbage after purchase
Rest Stops
Become the rest stop franchise
Pleasant place to rest
Security is a priority
Kind of place families intentionally choose
Gas station / Essentials minus the harmful things
Picnic seating with playgrounds and food options
Has live Christian music, perhaps more
Budget friendly vendors (especially outside)
Perhaps food trucks
Chuck Norris Cartoon
Saw this
Assuming he would support patriotism, Christian values, integrity with martial arts
Exemplifies character worth modeling
Intriguing by being the impossible to defeat hero
Children’s - Tooth Fairy Taken Captive for Ramson
Will Ferrell / Adam Sandler Type Comedy: “Goes to Church”
Key appeal to general audience is mockery of the false church (money, fame, secret societies, etc)
Rough Idea:
End: Character ends up really coming to true values (such as the shepherd cares about the one) and sincere faith (not gaining the whole world but losing soul)
Saved through minister while out and about (mysteriously appears at pivotal moments, eventually realizes towards end he leads a small sincere ministry, not in it for fame or money)
Takes it too far, and naively copies corrupt celebrity “ministers”. Personality causes very fast public promotion without being rooted well in Christ yet. Viewer has compassion in their naivety as a personality that is zealous before wisdom.
Starts to see real life of the ministers to the point that he sees it’s wrong and worries he has believed a lie, as if Christianity is a gimmick. One of the ministers wrongs him. Then mysterious minister bumps into them with a good word to help him move forward to sincere faith.
Starts exposing false ministers. Some deserved (like lying and funded by secret societies). But also embarrasses someone who didn’t deserve it (not this, but something like: teaching a false doctrine, and he assumes he’s like the secret society guy)
Seems to end up worse than when first introduced to that mysterious minister. Meets real people who have mercy. Start actually experiencing God. Eventually realizes some of them were like him. They never really came to the truth. At end has opportunity for revenge but shows mercy.
Media Book
Goal to empower people who want to use media for good
Dress Like a Pastor
By no means related to religious ideas of how to dress
Co-authored by pastors sharing examples where they know God taught them how to be a pastor with how He called them to wear Christ and love people. They each include a teaching. At the end, they can see what each other wrote, with suggestions of how to clarify what is said, dispute false doctrine, and choose to pull-out if they don’t feel they can affirm the other teachings by being part of the book. They agree to a set percentage of remaining profit after expenses, plus being able to buy and sell from a very discounted price.
As resource to all Christians, exemplifying heart of a shepherd (Who is in them), giving of self for others
As resource for those called to pastor, to help key in on the unique important role of a pastor
Appeal to the Church (wouldn’t really be called this)
Intentional to have it affirmed by well respected ministers
Main vision of first book which will relate to the title is to help clarify how to be saved, keying in on Biblical repentance. We receive Yeshua/Jesus, God the Word, as Savior when we receive Him as Lord. The text shows abundant proofs of how to be born-again. If it is saving faith, the fruit reveals that they are abiding in the Vine.
Kelry’s Ideas:
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